How to train yourself to become an eSports player

 Hello guys ๐Ÿ™‚ this is my first blog,

In this blog iam going to share u a secret 

About eSports, to know the secret plz read till the end☺️.

See to became an eSports player to need to train yourself first, see many people have said to get entry in eSports you need to have good device, practice hard and master ur aim, controls & senstivity 

And iam  not going to tell u all  about this, iam going tell u how can u train yourself to become an eSports athlete.

See training isn't meant only u have practice till u master ur skills,u have train mentally & physically now I will tell u how can u train 

First off all let's learn about physical training 

It means u have to train your body 

Like doing exercise (not only in gym) 

Exercise isn't meant only u have to take 5to10 kg of dumbell๐Ÿ‹️, u can do jogging, swimming or pushups, & u have to do exercise regularly by fixing a proper time & it is strictly compulsory.

Next let's learn about mental training 

It means u have to keep ur mindset positive & strong, u have to be strongly motivated & ur concentration power should be next level, why iam saying this because once u play a big tournament u have concentrate only on ur game cuz there will be lots of audience,noise, now u know what Iam saying.                              Let's learn about strongly motivated it means ur confidence level should not be low 

I will give u one example of low motivation 

Once I  played a pubg(bgmi) tournament with my teammates and we lost than my teammates were blaming each other, then we didn't talk to each other and  felt less motivated, cuz I took loads of stress 

And lastly u should keep ur mind free from stress,tension and should not go into depression,

 cuz once I got into depression because of pubg ban in india know it's unbanned and took a step in pubg(bgmi) to play for eSports.

Know u have trained  yourself for eSports.

Before finishing my blog I will tell u secret about eSports, to be top eSports player u need to practice ur skills a lot, but not for long hours like 15 to 17 hours no u don't need to do that , u can practice for more than 2 hours with proper concentration and silence. 

If u need any other related topics about eSports & a guide to buy proper equipment's for eSports u can comment down below.

And if ur reading till here 

Then thanks ๐Ÿ’Ÿ for reading my full blog.


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